Visitors to a food rescue event in West Baltimore. © Colby Ware for OSI-Baltimore
Baltimore elementary school students participate in an African music and dance class in 2016. Credit: © Colby Ware for OSI-Baltimore.
A community event at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. © John Brosnan for OSI-Baltimore
B’more Invested was forged to address disparities in how philanthropy has traditionally operated. Nationally, 8 percent of philanthropic investment goes to people of color, with less than 2 percent of grant dollars from large foundations going to Black-led organizations.
In Baltimore, communities of color have also experienced systemic disinvestment from both public and private sources for centuries. An Urban Institute analysis shows that Baltimore City neighborhoods that are less than 50 percent African American receive nearly four times the investment of neighborhoods that are over 85 percent African American, and low-poverty neighborhoods are receiving one and a half times the investment of high-poverty neighborhoods.
Given the racialized impact of present and historical investment practices, B’more Invested is focused on committing resources in Black communities and other communities of color, including immigrant and refugee communities, that have suffered from longstanding patterns of chronic disinvestment and underinvestment, and economic, social and political exclusion.
The B’more Invested Grant Advisory Team consists of Community Stakeholders and Funders who are eager to test, learn from, and scale promising innovations that tackle the most pressing issues of our city while also addressing the most urgent challenges and limitations of our local systems.
B’more Invested structures its work with an explicit Race Equity and Inclusion frame that governs every aspect of its development and decision-making. View Grant Advisory Team Members.
Gathering before a community run at Dunbar High School in Baltimore. © Colby Ware for OSI-Baltimore
Community-based alternative systems and interventions that respond to personal, group, or community crisis in an equitable and restorative manner.
Community-based alternative systems and interventions that facilitate the stabilization and holistic growth and development of people.
Community-based alternative systems and interventions that ameliorate the intergenerational trauma and harm experienced by communities at the hands of unjust and inequitable systems.